Customer Stories

“Plan­view Enter­prise One has allowed us to solve trace­abil­i­ty prob­lems, giv­en that in man­u­al and unstruc­tured process­es, project infor­ma­tion was lost, since it was not always clear which area had the pend­ing process. Also, approval times decreased, since infor­ma­tion flows quick­ly between the dif­fer­ent approval levels.”

Gus­ta­vo Queve­do, Man­ag­er, Cen­tral South Zone, Oper­a­tions Vice-Presidency

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“with CBA invest­ing more than $1 bil­lion a year in tech­nol­o­gy, Plan­view Enter­prise One gives us the abil­i­ty to more accu­rate­ly ver­i­fy the invest­ment we are spend­ing to achieve the intend­ed out­comes, as well as mea­sure our port­fo­lio health, deliv­ery veloc­i­ty and work­force use.”

Chris­t­ian Eggers, Exec­u­tive Gen­er­al Man­ag­er, CBA

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“Today we can show the board of direc­tors or gen­er­al man­age­ment our man­age­ment through the Plan­view tool, which was impos­si­ble before. Today we have all the infor­ma­tion loaded and updated.”

Felipe Huido­bro, Assis­tant Man­ag­er of Plan­ning and Con­trol, EFE

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