About the role

As a cru­cial cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed spe­cial­ist, the Imple­men­ta­tion Con­sul­tant guar­an­tees excep­tion­al Plan­view prod­uct and Ini­tia­ti­va ser­vice deliv­ery to clients.

You’ll man­age end-to-end imple­men­ta­tion of tai­lored solu­tions, address­ing client needs and exceed­ing expec­ta­tions, con­tribut­ing to Ini­tia­ti­va’s growth and success.

Why join us?

  • Be part of a dynam­ic inter­na­tion­al con­sult­ing team

  • Make a real impact, turn­ing client strate­gies into action

  • Enjoy con­tin­u­ous learn­ing and growth, engag­ing with key executives

  • Embrace an agile mind­set, work­ing with Objec­tives and Key Results (OKRs)

  • Expe­ri­ence work-from-any­where flexibility

We’re seeking a candidate with strong business and technical skills, a customer-focused mindset, and the ability to work independently. Fluency in both English and Spanish is crucial for this role.


What will you do

  • Pro­vide tai­lored guid­ance to clients, align­ing their needs with Plan­view solutions
  • Lead work­shops and con­fig­u­ra­tion activ­i­ties for desired outcomes
  • Man­age migra­tions, imple­men­ta­tions, and con­fig­u­ra­tions, includ­ing integrations
  • Iden­ti­fy report­ing and ana­lyt­ics needs, and cre­ate func­tion­al specifications
  • Ensure high-qual­i­ty cus­tomer expe­ri­ence through QA assess­ments and testing
  • Col­lab­o­rate with Ini­tia­ti­va and Plan­view teams for solu­tion doc­u­men­ta­tion and knowl­edge sharing


  • Broad under­stand­ing of soft­ware implementation
  • Knowl­edge of functional/technical capa­bil­i­ties (e.g., project/resource management)
  • Abil­i­ty to learn and apply indus­try knowledge
  • Expe­ri­ence with var­i­ous soft­ware plat­forms and tools
  • Log­i­cal mind­set and strong orga­ni­za­tion skills
  • Bach­e­lor’s degree in a relat­ed field, 2+ years of expe­ri­ence, func­tion­al con­sult­ing background

Must have skills

  • Flu­ent in Eng­lish and Spanish
  • Strong tech­ni­cal and busi­ness apti­tude, with a cus­tomer dri­ven mindset
  • Can work with lim­it­ed supervision
  • Pos­i­tive atti­tude, empa­thy, and high energy
  • Abil­i­ty to take ini­tia­tive and own­er­ship and adapt in a fast paced environment
  • Excel­lent ana­lyt­i­cal and prob­lem-solv­ing skills
  • Good com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills and abil­i­ty to explain tech­ni­cal con­cepts to busi­ness stakeholders
  • Agile and con­tin­u­ous improve­ment and learn­ing mindset

Desirable skills

  • Busi­ness, work­flow, and data analy­sis experience
  • Multi­na­tion­al com­pa­ny experience

Travel availability

  • Most­ly remote, occa­sion­al trav­el may be required

About Initiativa

“Con­nect­ing strat­e­gy and exe­cu­tion to accel­er­ate transformation”

Initia­ti­va is a man­age­ment con­sult­ing and busi­ness SaaS firm focused on port­fo­lio and work man­age­ment. We help clients with strat­e­gy and trans­for­ma­tion to achieve their goals.

We use our indus­try knowl­edge, con­sult­ing skills, and proac­tive approach to max­i­mize the ben­e­fits of advanced Enter­prise SaaS solu­tions for clients.

As a Plan­view Elite Part­ner, we have suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment­ed Plan­view solu­tions for lead­ing orga­ni­za­tions in Latin Amer­i­ca, Europe, the US, Aus­tralia, and New Zealand.

Our expe­ri­ence cov­ers sec­tors like bank­ing, retail, con­sumer goods, min­ing, energy,transportation and government

About Planview

Plan­view has one mis­sion: to build the future of con­nect­ed work. Our solu­tions enable orga­ni­za­tions to con­nect the busi­ness from ideas to impact, empow­er­ing com­pa­nies to accel­er­ate the achieve­ment of what mat­ters most.

Planview’s full spec­trum of Port­fo­lio Man­age­ment and Work Man­age­ment solu­tions cre­ate an orga­ni­za­tion­al focus on the strate­gic out­comes that mat­ter and empow­er teams to deliv­er their best work, no mat­ter how they work.

The com­pre­hen­sive Plan­view plat­form and enter­prise suc­cess mod­el enables cus­tomers to deliv­er inno­v­a­tive, com­pet­i­tive prod­ucts, ser­vices, and cus­tomer experiences.

Head­quar­tered in Austin, Texas, with loca­tions around the world, Plan­view has more than 1,000 employ­ees sup­port­ing 4,000 cus­tomers and 2.4 mil­lion users worldwide. 

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it