Project Port­fo­lio Man­age­ment • Plan­view Enter­prise One

Commonwealth Bank brings in Planview to help verify $1bn tech budget is well-spent

Com­mon­wealth Bank is Aus­trali­a’s lead­ing provider of inte­grat­ed finan­cial ser­vices, includ­ing retail, pre­mi­um, busi­ness and insti­tu­tion­al bank­ing, funds man­age­ment, super­an­nu­a­tion, insur­ance, invest­ment and share-broking prod­ucts and services.

CBA Linkedin Publication

At Com­mon­wealth Bank, sim­pler, bet­ter foun­da­tions is a key part of our strat­e­gy. Inte­gral to this, is ensur­ing we have the right sys­tems and tool­ing in place to gov­ern and man­age what we do. This is why our recent deliv­ery of our new project and port­fo­lio man­age­ment sys­tem, Plan­view Enter­prise One, to more than 13,000 users across the Bank, is such a sig­nif­i­cant achievement.

Plan­view Enter­prise One will help CBA deliv­er and man­age our sig­nif­i­cant change agen­da through greater trans­paren­cy of project data and fur­ther inte­gra­tion between key sys­tems such as Peo­ple­Soft and Work­day, enabling the deliv­ery com­mu­ni­ty to bet­ter and more accu­rate­ly man­age their finan­cials and plan and deploy their resources.

With Plan­view Enter­prise One, the user expe­ri­ence for our project deliv­ery com­mu­ni­ty and over­all trans­paren­cy over the per­for­mance of the port­fo­lio is enhanced. Our project com­mu­ni­ty are fur­ther enabled to focus on inno­vat­ing, solv­ing prob­lems and get­ting things done for our cus­tomers and our col­leagues, through a sin­gle, stan­dard­ised and real time report­ing sys­tem for all projects. And more broad­ly, with CBA invest­ing more than $1 bil­lion a year in tech­nol­o­gy, Plan­view Enter­prise One gives us the abil­i­ty to more accu­rate­ly ver­i­fy the invest­ment we are spend­ing to achieve the intend­ed out­comes, as well as mea­sure our port­fo­lio health, deliv­ery veloc­i­ty and work­force use.

As busi­ness spon­sor of the pro­gram, I am very pleased to see, along with Mark Vudrag, Exec­u­tive Gen­er­al Man­ag­er Glob­al Tech­nol­o­gy Ser­vices and tech­ni­cal spon­sor of the pro­gram, the suc­cess of the roll­out and I would like to thank our part­ners for their support.

“with CBA invest­ing more than $1 bil­lion a year in tech­nol­o­gy, Plan­view Enter­prise One gives us the abil­i­ty to more accu­rate­ly ver­i­fy the invest­ment we are spend­ing to achieve the intend­ed out­comes, as well as mea­sure our port­fo­lio health, deliv­ery veloc­i­ty and work­force use”

Chris­t­ian Eggers, Exec­u­tive Gen­er­al Man­ag­er, CBA

Role Initiativa

Ini­tia­ti­va par­tic­i­pat­ed as part of the Plan­view Imple­men­ta­tion team, coor­di­nat­ing inte­gra­tion require­ments and devel­op­ment for 11 inte­gra­tions between Plan­view Enter­prise One and CBA sys­tems amongst which : Peo­ple­Soft and Workday.