Customer Story Transelec

Project Port­fo­lio Man­age­ment • Plan­view Enter­prise One

Transelec achieves visibility and collaborative work

Trans­e­lec is the main sup­pli­er of high volt­age sys­tems in the coun­try Chile, with almost 10,000 kilo­me­ters of lines and more than 63 500 kV and 220 kV sub­sta­tions, from the Ari­ca and Pari­na­co­ta Region to the Los Lagos Region.

“Plan­view Enter­prise One has made it pos­si­ble to solve trace­abil­i­ty prob­lems, giv­en that in man­u­al and unstruc­tured process­es, infor­ma­tion about projects was lost, since it was not always clear which area was with the pend­ing process. Like­wise, approval times decreased, due to the fact that infor­ma­tion flows quick­ly between the dif­fer­ent lev­els of approval”

-Gustavo Quevedo, Head of Administration, Vice President Operations

The challenge

Trans­e­lec and its vice pres­i­den­cy of oper­a­tions have a large num­ber of projects scat­tered through­out the coun­try. Before imple­ment­ing Plan­view, one of the main prob­lems was the trace­abil­i­ty, account­abil­i­ty, and sup­port of each of them. Many times they were in the com­put­ers of each project manager

Keep­ing con­trol and trace­abil­i­ty was com­plex, con­sum­ing a lot of time and rework was car­ried out due to loss of infor­ma­tion or lack of a cen­tral­iza­tion of doc­u­ments, back­ups and approvals.

For this rea­son they needed:

  • A plat­form that con­trols and reports the flows of projects and improve­ments, their endorse­ments, spon­sors and approvals
  • Have all the infor­ma­tion cen­tral­ized in one place and easy to manage
  • Min­i­mize approval times and results to car­ry out projects and improve­ments in less time and struc­ture the process­es, in this way, each of the par­tic­i­pants can have infor­ma­tion on the sta­tus of progress


Trans­e­lec award­ed Ini­tia­ti­va the Plan­view Enter­prise solu­tion, soft­ware ranked as the mar­ket leader in resource and project management.

In a very lim­it­ed time, Ini­tia­ti­va car­ried out the imple­men­ta­tion, upload­ing of files and train­ing, also respond­ing to all the tech­ni­cal require­ments that Trans­e­lec was look­ing for: finan­cial plan­ning, con­tract con­trol, doc­u­ment man­age­ment, etc.

The VP of Oper­a­tions has many flows and process­es for each type of project and improve­ment. Those that were stan­dard­ized and made vis­i­ble for the entire area. Also, depend­ing on the type of project, the infor­ma­tion and approval reach­es the cor­rect col­lab­o­ra­tor and the project man­ag­er has vis­i­bil­i­ty of the point at which it is, what doc­u­men­ta­tion is required for its approval and all those who have par­tic­i­pat­ed in the flow. Today the tool gives com­plete vis­i­bil­i­ty of the projects, cen­tral­iz­ing all the infor­ma­tion, mak­ing the search and gen­er­a­tion of reports more effi­cient, espe­cial­ly when oth­er areas request doc­u­men­ta­tion, such as the inter­nal comp­trol­ler or the board of directors.


  • Vis­i­bil­i­ty and cen­tral­iza­tion of all aspects and doc­u­men­ta­tion of each project
  • Sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion of time in the search for doc­u­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion to gen­er­ate reports to man­age­ment and board of directors
  • Active par­tic­i­pa­tion of the entire work team and collaboration
  • Improve the inter­ac­tion of dif­fer­ent areas, the opti­miza­tion of process­es and vis­i­bil­i­ty of infor­ma­tion in a trans­par­ent way