What are the biggest bar­ri­ers to rapid dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion? Lat­ter is essen­tial in the cur­rent volatile, glob­al and con­nect­ed mar­ket. Read on to learn!

Outdated data

As a con­se­quence time con­sum­ing analy­ses, slow deci­sion mak­ing and the inabil­i­ty to accu­rate­ly mea­sure progress on dig­i­tal initiatives.

Strategy and Execution are not connected

Dif­fi­cul­ties with trans­lat­ing strat­e­gy to employ­ees’ dai­ly work on an orga­ni­za­tion-wide, cross-func­tion­al scale. More­over, with strict bud­gets and plans the inabil­i­ty to inno­vate, change and effec­tive execution.

Trouble working across silos

Prod­uct teams must col­lab­o­rate with the PMO and enter­prise archi­tects. Fail­ure to exe­cute on a com­pa­ny wide lev­el can lead to con­flict­ing pri­or­i­ties and mar­ket delays.

Inability to experiment quickly

Chal­lenges also arise when com­pa­nies man­age inno­va­tions through extreme­ly man­u­al and slow process­es that can pre­vent the right prod­ucts, ser­vices, and ideas from get­ting to mar­ket at the right time.

Manual portfolio analysis

With lim­it­ed insight into pri­or­i­ti­za­tion and poten­tial ROI in the entire port­fo­lio, com­pa­nies make inef­fi­cient invest­ment decisions.

Legacy systems

out­dat­ed inad­e­quate tech­nolo­gies to real­ize dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion will lead to dif­fi­cul­ties with under­stand­ing the link­ages between strate­gies, out­comes, work, finan­cials, and resources.

Internal culture

Employ­ees often are not empow­ered to use method­olo­gies best suit­ed for work, which is essen­tial in today’s glob­al and con­nect­ed work

These sev­en bar­ri­ers are the usu­al sus­pects when a dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion floun­ders. Read the orig­i­nal arti­cle here, and down­load the dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion at speed ebook here.