On a high lev­el, a com­pa­ny makes a cor­po­rate strat­e­gy with loads of com­plex goals and aspects. But how do you trans­late that to dai­ly work man­age­ment, and how do you engage your employ­ees towards these strat­e­gy goals?

OKR’s (Objec­tive Key Results) is a rel­a­tive­ly new and pop­u­lar process that com­pa­nies use to link orga­ni­za­tion­al and team goals to mea­sur­able out­comes. OKRs help to answer these two questions:

  • Where do we want to go? (Objec­tive)
  • How will we mea­sure our efforts to get there? (Key Results)

Where­as an Objec­tive can be long-lived (rolled over for a year or longer), Key Results evolve as the work pro­gress­es. Once they are all com­plet­ed, the Objec­tive is achieved. With a con­tin­u­ous form align­ing, revis­it­ing, mea­sur­ing and adjust­ing work based on the added val­ue towards these goals, true agili­ty will be real­ized. This form of strate­gic plan­ning, where out­comes pre­vail over out­put and where the empha­sis lies on deliv­er­ing val­ue, entails a cou­ple of advantages:

  • Strate­gic align­ment: every­one con­tributes to the strat­e­gy and cor­po­rate suc­cess with a uni­fied under­stand­ing of succes
  • Focused exe­cu­tion: teams will pri­or­i­tize out­puts that deliv­er value
  • Empow­ered teams: engage teams have a shared pur­pose, with a sense of own­er­ship of their own activities

Learn more about OKR’s and Planview’s capa­bil­i­ties.